“My website should always be the top searched website.” – This is the dream of every company. We are letting you into the secret that can help you achieve this.
3..2..1…! It is Meta Tags!
If you are trying to understand this topic and this article has popped up, it is because of the Meta Tags, which means we know what we are talking about! In this blog, we’ll discuss mastering meta tags to ace your SEO game.
What are Google Meta Tags?
Meta tags are snippets that work as a median for search engines to display important information about your website to show how it will display in search results. It also tells the web browsers how it should be displayed to the visitors. These Meta Tags are not visible to anyone but are embedded in the form of HTML code. Here’s your guide on what you can do to implement the best SEO strategies to improve your website ranking in digital media.
Meta Tag Structure
In order to have a good and comprehensive SEO strategy, we need to make use of Meta Tags, as they help us in ‘link building’ which is considered to be the most crucial element in achieving a higher ranking.
The Five Most Important Meta Tags
Using the correct Meta Tags, we will be able to communicate with the search engine effectively:
- What is your page all about?
- Who should see it?
- How to read it?
Keeping all this in mind, let’s dive into the five most important Meta Tags that you can use to optimize your website.
- Meta Title
- Meta Description
- Meta Robots
- Meta Charset
- Meta Viewport
Meta Title
Meta Titles are the most crucial element as they reflect the person’s key query. It is what the user reads and decides if they should click on that particular search result. For you to have key-quality titles, below are some of the best practices:
- Don’t use generic language
- Be brief and not descriptive
- Use sentence case
- Maximum word count is 60 characters
Meta Description
This is the elevator pitch for your web page. This summarizes what your website and its web page are all about. Even though this doesn’t directly affect the ranking, it does convince the user to go ahead and check the particular page.
Best practices to keep in mind while writing the descriptions:
- Match search intent
- Only insert target keywords where it makes sense
- Write click-worthy descriptions and not click-bait
- Maximum word count is 160 characters
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Meta Robots
By adding meta robots, you tell the crawler how it should pick your website’s content. This essentially is the direction for your website. It tells the bots to index the page or commands them not to index a few pages. It also tells the bots to follow a few pages and which pages don’t require any endorsement so it can unfollow those pages.
Here’s How Meta Robots Work:
A crawler is known as spiders or bots that discovers web pages and follows the entire direction a user will encounter while clicking on the said link. It collects information about each page that the crawler crawls. The main purpose of a crawler is to index content so that the user can see it whenever they search for it.
What is Indexing?
Indexing is the process where we can store and organize the information collected by crawlers. This allows engines to extract information and display the web pages that best match the search query. They are categorized majorly on factors such as content, keywords and Metadata. These tags are placed in the head section of tags and can control the crawlers, indexing and can help track the user behavior and get them to click on your website.
Best practices to keep in mind:
- Use meta robots only when you want to restrict the way Google crawls to your page
Meta Viewport
People are glued to their mobile phones all day, so it is necessary to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. The Meta ViewPort tag helps you to do just exactly that. Having a website that has a higher load time and only displays the desktop version to mobile viewers can irritate the user, and they are more likely to click the back button, which will alert Google and strongly affect your ranking.
Best practices to keep in mind:
- Use meta viewports for all your web pages
- Stick to the ‘standard’ format for best results
Meta Charset
Meta Charset indicates how the text should be displayed on the webpage. This is to ensure the readability is always on point. If it isn’t coded with either of these UTF-8 (character encoding for unicode) or IS0-8859-1 (character encoding for Latin alphabet), then it might cause a bad user experience, as the user might get annoyed and not spend that time on your webpage leading to a high bounce rate.
Best practices to keep in mind:
- Use charset for your web pages
- Google recommends using the UTF-8 character set
Why are Meta Tags Important for SEO?
SEO rankings can only be improved when you have good content, and visitors decide to stay on your page. This can be done very easily with Meta Tags. These tags can be the defining pathway for users to browse your website in the smoothest way possible. A Meta Tag and Description are the start points for any user to enter into your website. It also provides a great way to the user with the exact information they seek.
If your website is about serving wood-pan pizzas, you must include that as a keyword in your title. This will help in acquiring both the specific and general keyword users. A good SEO Ranking can truly change the nature of your business and will directly impact the conversions. The more people click on your website, the higher the retention rate and brand awareness, leading to recall and record-breaking sales.
How Bold Solutionz Will Boost Your SEO with Meta Tags
Having a strong digital presence is mandatory for every business to flourish. For B2B and B2C marketing, you need to come up with keyword optimization techniques so that your business can rank higher. At Bold Solutionz, we do all things digital. We cater to providing actionable solutions like on-page SEO, off-page SEO, Technical SEO and local SEO. With our expert team, we can rebuild your website as per the best SEO practices and get you the conversions you are looking for. Our role is to become your partner for the best search marketing techniques and make your website truly ‘targeted with relevant keywords’ and rich in content with a minimal bounce rate, thereby establishing credibility and maintaining a positive brand image.
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