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Why are People Choosing Podcasts Over Blogs?

Staying connected has become the mainstay of the millennials as they make their mark in the entrepreneurial world. Furthermore, studies show that they start companies at an earlier age with higher profit targeting than preceding generations.

One way entrepreneurs are making their mark is by creating videos and podcasts. As you’ve probably noticed, video platforms such as TikTok and Instagram as well as podcasts have become quite popular over the last few years. One question we ask is why are people choosing videos and podcasts over blogs?

Why do Videos and Podcasts Appeal to Younger Generations?

Despite being told about the importance of websites and blogs for establishing an online presence, millennials better understand their target markets with their mobile lifestyle. In addition, text is slowly losing its charm as younger audiences like millennials and Gen Z increasingly turn to their devices to watch and listen to information.

One cannot just blame shorter attention spans for the rise in video and podcast popularity. Audiences today can combine listening into their daily lifestyle, allowing them to inform themselves as they commute, exercise, or do chores from their mobile devices and their sophisticated earbuds.

Furthermore, writing has several difficulties for some people. Besides taking time to complete, they also require the correct editing, and sometimes writers struggle to create the required tone. But don’t give up on blogs just yet! Blogs are great tools to boost your SEO! If you struggle to write or come up with topics to write about, you can hire marketing agencies or freelancers to do it for you. 

On the other hand, videos and podcasts allow their owners to express themselves in their own voice and to break down tedious information in a more appealing context for their audiences.

Finally, videos and podcasts create an authenticity that makes it easier to establish better communication and connection with audiences, even on the most boring topics. However, one cannot also negate the value of blogs for most businesses, especially those wanting to reach various audiences.

Let’s delve a little deeper:

Benefits of Videos and Podcasts in these Busy Times

For audiences, video content and podcasts offer them a faster way to absorb information, here are how they can help your marketing strategy:

Connecting and Relationship Building

When listening to a familiar voice or seeing a face you know, audiences experience a sense of connectedness that creates better bonding and reactions. This response comes from a decrease in cortisol levels and an increase in oxytocin or feel-good hormone.

Growing your audiences’ bond and trust by creating an emotional and intellectual intimacy with your voice increases conversion rates from organic leads. In addition, you can convey your business insights and values far better with the spoken word than with written text, helping your business to stand out from its competitors.

Building Authority and Credibility

Regular video or podcast content can help grow your authority and credibility in your niche. You need to provide your audiences with information and tips, and such content allows you to build your reputation in an entertaining voice.

Scope for Podcast Growth

Despite their growing popularity, podcasts still have less competition than blogs. Stats show that compared to 2 million active podcasts and over 48 million episodes, in 2021, there were 600 million active blogs. In 2022, podcast listeners increased by 6.1%. Therefore there is still scope for growth for this marketing channel in this expanding market where the biggest expansion comes from listeners between 12 and 34 years of age.

Creating Brand Awareness and Recognition

Content strategy can undoubtedly grow your brand into a household name because of its convenience. As your followers go about their daily chores, you have the opportunity to reach them, even if they are listening passively, because their subconscious mind retains information that makes it easier for your business to stand out to them.

Convenient and Easily Accessible

In a world where 91% of its population owns smartphones and increasingly buying smart speakers, absorbing information from videos through social media has never been easier to access from just about anywhere. Furthermore, once your user subscribes to your channel or podcast, your content is quicker and easier to access than written blogs. This is why it is important to have a strategy for your social media and online presence.

High Inbound Leads

Podcasts are a great inbound lead strategy since they grab your audience’s attention. Statistics indicate podcasts have a higher conversion rate than other online marketing methods. This Super Listeners study by Edison Research found that 50% agreed that podcast ads were the ideal way to reach them.

Additionally, about 20% of people will purchase a product they hear about on a podcast, even if there isn’t a strong sales pitch. Finally, the demographic value of podcasts is undeniable since 66% of users have a university degree and an annual income of $75,000.

Using Videos to Promote Company Culture

Videos are an effective way to allow others to understand your company’s inner workings and values. Give your company a face and create reels and TikToks that show your company’s innovative side and how other clients view it. Your viewers will crave authenticity, and you can build your company culture.

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Creating and Building an Audience for Your Business Podcasts

It is relatively easy and reasonably cost-effective to create podcasts. However, as you seek to build an audience, you must familiarize yourself with the technology to develop great-sounding content.

Audio quality will depend on your microphone, headphone, recording equipment, internet software, and internet service. However, you also need to provide quality content that is easy for your audiences to consume.

Compelling podcasts take time to create and requires a regular schedule to keep your audiences captivated as they anticipate the next podcast release. One of the rules of podcasts is to concentrate on quality over quantity, so create a feasible schedule.

Benefits of Blogging for the Reader Audience

Blogging remains one of the top lead generators and brand authority builders, and companies with blogs have 67% more leads than those without blogs. From a reader’s perspective, because of improved SEO, blogging makes finding the information they need easier. In addition, blogs are a straightforward way to share, making it easier for them to convey information to their friends. However, blogs also require consistency and commitment. They take time to write and build an online presence.

It’s good to keep in mind that podcasts and videos also require consistency and commitment. They can be time consuming as they still require planning and editing if you want to create something with high quality.

Let Bold Solutionz Assess the Market

Choosing between blogs, videos or podcasts for your company can be tricky and requires knowledge about your business requirements, competition, target audience, and budget. That is why this is our first step as your marketing company. We will complete a deep search of these various forms of content and find the best option(s) for you! Oftentimes a strategy that uses multiple forms of content can work best for your business marketing efforts.

Bold Solutionz can help you assess the market and put your audience first by allowing you to prepare the groundwork for the most successful marketing strategy that can incorporate podcast listeners, video watchers, blog readers, or a combination of all.

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